Events in the Life of Christ
(Pictures and Passages from the Gospels)
Adoration of the Shepherds
Adoration of the Wise Men
Flight to Egypt
Naming and Presentation in the Temple
Loss and Finding in the Temple
Baptism in the Jordan
Temptation of Jesus
Calling of the First Disciples
Wedding at Cana
Jesus Teaching by the Shore
Jesus Teaching the Beatitudes on the Mountain
Jesus Walks on the Water
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
Jesus Blesses Little Children
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
The Transfiguration
Miracles Healing the Blind Raising of Lazarus Raising of Jairus' Daughter Raising of the Widow's Son Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Last Supper
Agony in the Garden
Arrest of Jesus
Pilate Hands Jesus Over to be Crucified
Condemned, Mocked, Scourged and Crowned with Thorns
Jesus is Scourged
Crowning with Thorns
Jesus Carrying His Cross
Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem
Jesus Crucified and Died on the Cross
Taken Down from the Cross and Burial
Meeting Mary Magdalene
Supper at Emmaus
Jesus and Thomas
Conversion of Paul